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添加时间: 2010-8-21 13:50:39 来源: 作者:中国中医药报海外版 点击数:1206


(中国中医药报海外版  通讯员 张永鹏  )摘要:中医药国际化核心首先就是在我国解放中医药,把局限在传统医药的概念从人们心灵的桎梏中解放出来,归回中医药主权。从概念上、思想上、政策法规上解放中医药,制定传统医药保护法,把国之瑰宝传承下来。中医药国际化之目的就是要使人类回归理性医药需求,走出科技医药学误区。文章认为中医药国际化存在问题主要是唯经济论和中医药理论发展的滞后性。把中医药国际化的方法步骤分为取消西医药称谓、行政法律干预、医疗执业与管理、人才选拔与培养、科研开发等内容。文中明确中医药主权概念与特色,把中医分为科技医和传承医两个子系统。医务工作者分为科技医(护)师、传统医(护)师、全科医(护)师、专科医技师等。把中药分为传统中药、中成药、中草药、提取加工药、生物制剂、化学合成药等。行政上卫生部应下设传统医药管理局、外国医药管理局、科技医药管理局、药品食品管理局、康复保健管理局等。定期人才选拔,成立传统药学院、传统药理学院、传统医学院、康复保健学院、科技药学院、科技药理学院、科技医学院、科技护理学院、科技设备学院、外国医药研究院等。医疗执业与管理,允许医师多地点执业,建立诚信考核制度。科研开发不搞名牌战略,而搞可持续发展、环保道地药材战略,以疗效定成果。










1.1.1 西医药称谓是清末民初产物!当时社会黑暗,政治腐败,科学技术落后,人民生活在水深火热之中,民族虚无主义盛行,革命先驱和热血青年渴望社会变革,向西方求教医学科技知识,引进外来进口药品,把引进的医学技术称之谓西医,把进口药品称之谓西药。这一西学东渐的称谓,虽然当时并无过错,但这一称谓并未改变中国人的命运,现实是祖国遭到了东西方列强的入侵和掠夺。还是中国共产党带领全国人民经过八年抗日,和三年解放战争,才建立了新中国。特别是改革开放后,祖国繁荣昌盛,科技进步,各项事业蒸蒸日上,现在拥有和使用的绝大部分医疗技术和药物都是我们自主研制,发明,制造和使用的,将其冠之以西医药背离了东西方定位的本来含义。

1.1.2 使用西医药称谓,助长了崇洋媚外心理,削弱了中华民族自尊心。国民党时期教育总长要取消中医药,现在我国自主发明,创造,使用的医药学技术,冠之以西医药称谓,是典型的出卖主权,有人戏称使用西医药称谓是丧权辱国行经,应予坚决废止。

1.1.3 使用西医药称谓,把一切含有科技成分的发明,创造,使用的医药学技术,冠之以西医药称谓,和以传统方法发明,创造,使用的中医药学技术相对立,加剧了医药学内部之间的矛盾。对以人为本构建和谐社会十分不利,严重阻碍了中医药事业的发展;阻碍了中医药对外交流;阻碍了中医药造福人类健康事业的进程。

1.2 方法步骤

 1.2.1 明确中医药主权概念与特色:(1)中医药学是与外国医药学对应的概念。(2)中医药学含科技医药学和传承医药学两个子系统。(3)用物理化学,电子信息等科技知识和理论构成的医学理论体系可称为科技医药学;按照传统医药学知识和方法构成的医药学理论体系可称为传统医药学。当前科技医药学是我们的主流医学,传统医药学就是中医药学的脊梁,核心、中流砥柱,特色性标志。(4)中医药诊疗特色就是综辨制宜观,即综纳合参,辨证剖析,因时制宜。因是制宜就是诊疗和预防疾病要因条件制宜,因人、因地、因时、因变而采取相应的措施和方法。辨证论治就是要辨证地认识问题,诊疗疾病;辨证论治同时也是传统医学中最重要的诊疗方法之一,即辨别疾病的证侯而论治。中医诊疗还包括辨病论治、辨症论治、辨征论治、辨因论治、辨体论治等内容。(5)未来的中医药学仍将是传统医药学和科技医药学的共同体,二者缺一不可。

1.2.2 把中医分为科技医和传承医两个子系统。医务工作者分为科技医(护)师和传统医(护)师;能懂得两者理论知识,掌握两者方法技巧可任职中医全科医(护)师。有一技之长可任职中医某专科医技师。除中医全科医(护)师外,一人可获得多个专科医技师职称,职务。

1.2.3 中药是与进口药对应的概念: 国产药理应全部归属中药,而中药还包括按照传统中医理论使用进口外国的天然动植物药、和矿物药。结合临床中药可分为如下几类:(1)传统中药:既按照传统中医药理论能够标明其性味、归经、功能作用、适应症并按传统方法炮制应用的天然动植物药、和矿物药。(2)中成药:既按照传统中医药理论和传统炮制方法加工而成的单方或复方制剂。(3)中草药:尚不能按照传统中医药理论标明其性味、归经、功能作用、适应症的天然动植物药、和矿物药。(4)提取加工药:从传统中药、中草药、或某些天然物质中提取有效成分应用的药物。(5)生物制剂:利用生物技术制成的药物。(6)化学合成药:利用物理化学等高科技手段提取、加工、合成的单体物质可作为药物应用的药物。(7)尚不能用上述方法归类的其它药物。






3.1 定期举办实用人才选拔赛,使自学成才或师承家技精英能够脱颖而出,给自学成才人员以出路。

3.2 成立传统药学院:要以天然药物的生产、采集、筛选、炮制、加工、存储、资源保护、可持续发展进行研究,与农业、牧业、矿业等产业有机结合,形成具有中医药特色的产业链,培养传统中药养种植专业技术人员。

3.3 成立传统药理学院:要以传统中医药理论为基础,从天然药物的性味、归经、作用、临床应用、效果评价、给药途径、药品剂型、毒副作用等方面进行研究,与制药企业、医院药剂科、医药零售店有机结合,形成产业链,培训传统中药制药司药专业技术人员。

3.4 成立传统医学院:要以传统中医理论为基础,研究病因病机、脏腑经络、遣方用药、辨病、辨症、辨征、辨证、辨体论治,以及诊断治疗、病情判断预后转归、特殊诊疗技巧等为学习内容。与临床有机结合,培训最基本的传统医疗卫生队伍。

3.5 成立康复保健学院:以传统中医理论为基础,研究心理咨询、营养膳食、针灸、推拿、按摩、拔罐、捏脊、体疗、康复训练等内容,形成医疗保健、康复训练队伍,应对亚健康和疾病康复期人群的生理、生活、保健需求。

3.6 成立科技药学院或科技药理学院:以生物化学、现代科技为基础,研究提取加工药、化学合成药的成分分析、药物制取、药理分析、功效评价、毒副作用实验、药品包装存储等内容,与生物化学制药厂、医院制剂室、药剂科、药品销售店合作,培训科技制药、司药专业技术人员。

3.7 成立科技医学院与科技护理学院:以物理化学、电子信息、现代科技为基础,研究人体生理、病理、解剖,疾病的诊断治疗、护理、方法措施,病情的预后转轨、判断分析。形成具有现代科技知识的基本医疗队伍和护理队伍。

3.8 成立科技设备学院:以物理化学、电子信息、现代科技为基础,研究疾病诊断分析用,仪器设备的制作维修、化验试剂的生产加工,治疗工具的研发运用等内容。与仪器设备厂、化验试剂厂、治疗工具厂和医院合作培训科技设备制造应用专业技术人员。

3.9 成立外国医药研究院:以学习世界各国先进医药学技术,推广我国医疗特色为基础,与外国语学院、世界各国医疗机构合作,使我国成为世界各国先进医疗技术聚集地,世界性中医特色发源地。使大中医造福人类。



4.1 职称评定取消中西医之称谓,不论自学成才、师徒传承、学院教育,通过考核考试,达到传统医师标准的颁发传统医师资格证;达到科技医师标准的颁发科技医师资格证;既有传统医师资格证又有科技医师资格证的颁发全科医师资格证;仅有一技之长颁发专科医师资格证;如神经内科医师、神经外科医师、精神病科医师、五官科医师、耳鼻喉科医师、胸外科医师、心外科医师、骨伤科医师、妇产科医师、妇科医师、儿科医师、皮肤病科医师、疮疡科医师、肛肠痔瘘科医师、针灸医师、推拿按摩医师、康复训练医师、心理咨询医师、特技理疗医师等等。一人可取得多个专科职称,或取得全科职称后从事多个相关专科执业。

4.2 医师要作为国家医疗资源的重中之重,给予保护。允许医师为了治病救人多地点执业,建立多地点执业医师诚信考核公布制度。凡诚信考核不合格的医师,取消其多点执业资格,以骗取钱财为目的,性质严重者,取消其医师资格。



5.1 药品不搞名牌战略,而搞可持续发展、环保道地药材战略。不能一个厂家一个商品名,价格天地悬殊,要协调厂家生产品种不搞无序竞争。

5.2 不搞厂家流于形式的认证,杜绝亏血本贿赂官方,危机转嫁于生产工人、转嫁于病人。鼓励使用天然药物按照传统程序制成丸、散、膏、丹用于临床,施行医院自制药品备案制,避免繁琐审批。


5.4 用大中医观念指导医学科研开发就会减少不必要的浪费。再如各种严重危害人类健康的传染病,病毒分离成功后、优先考虑的科研课题是疫苗研制,对高危人群的预防;在重大传染病流行期优先考虑行之有效的传统中医药,进行早期预防诊断和治疗,而不是等到病原学确诊,病情加重出现并发症后的确诊和治疗。



     The Way of Traditional Chinese Medicine International

              Zhang yong peng                 

Abstract:Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the core of liberating TCM in china—returning to TCM to the sovereign by liberating the limited concepts of Traditional Medicine in people's minds from the shackles. The national treasure, TCM should be inherited from generation to generation by its liberation in concepts, ideas, policies and regulations and by laying down TCM Protection Law. The purpose of the internationalization of TCM is to get human being back to the rational medical need and to step out of the wrong scientific medical way. The main problem in internationalization of TCM is economism and the lag of development of TCM theory. The methods and steps of internationalization of TCM should be divided into cancellation of western medicine titles, administrative legal intervention, medical practice management, personnel selection and training, scientific research and development and so on. The article nails down the concepts and features of TCM sovereignty, divides TCM into two subsystems—scientific and technological medicine and its inheritance. Medical workers should be divided into medical workers (nursing) division, traditional medicine (care) division, general hospital (care) teachers, specialist doctors and technicians. chinese medicine into traditional chinese medicines, chinese patent medicines, chinese herbal medicine, extraction processing of drugs, biological agents, chemical synthetic drugs etc. Administration department should set traditional chinese medicine administrations, foreign medicine administration, technological medicine administration, the food and drug administration, rehabilitation and health administration etc. Besides, it should select qualified personnel in time and establish the traditional institute of pharmacy, pharmacology, chinese medicine, rehabilitation and health as well as scientific and technological institute of pharmacy, pharmacology, chinese medicine, nursing, equipment, foreign medical Research. Medical practice and management allow doctors to practice in multi-site and establish credibility evaluation system. The scientific research and development does not focus on the brand strategy, but on sustainable development, authentic environmental protective herbs strategy. Effectiveness is the only standard to decide the achievement.

Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the core of liberating TCM in china—returning to TCM to the sovereign by liberating the limited concepts of Traditional Medicine in people's minds from the shackles. The national treasure, TCM should be inherited from generation to generation by its liberation in concepts, ideas, policies and regulations and by laying down TCM Protection Law rather than by the technology standards medicine rules of traditional medicin. We should limit the survival of traditional medicine and development. Chinese medicine can enter the international track by establishing the concept of traditional Chinese medicine.

First, the purpose of internationalization of Chinese medicine
The progress of science and technology brings material civilization to mankind as well as  the increasing global environmental damage , people urgently need to return to nature. The desire of rational development is increasing. Characteristics requires the use of Chinese medicine with traditional Chinese medicine, environmental protection, low-carbon, zero pollution, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases, has become the consensus of all mankind. Therefore, the purpose of internationalization of Chinese medicine is to make the medical needs of human senses, so that medical and health services can go out of the misunderstanding of technology medicine development .
Second, there are the issues of internationalization of Chinese medicine
1. Pursuing the economic benefits changes  the medical purpose from helping patients to recover into the economy competition, the result is the great development of medical science and technology , while human were treated as guinea pigs; marginalization of traditional medicine to thousands of effective, Simple and inexpensive method of testing the traditional clinics have been shelved, even in accordance with the rules of medical science and technology to push away the traditional treatments,the human become victims of science and regulations.

 2.The delayed development of TCM theory makes difficulties of the combination of traditional Chinese medical theory and Science medicine . So that Chinese medicine can make the good wishes of the benefit of mankind can not be reality . There are two reasons as follows: firstly, the concept of Chinese medicine is not clear. Secondly, people’s mind is too conservative.Thirdly, misguided policies are out of reality. Therefore, the liberation of Chinese medicine is the unique way of internationalization of Chinese medicine. Only by the liberation of the concept of Chinese medicine can make it return to the original features of Chinese medicine; Only the liberation from the ideological to abolish imprisonment of the theory development of the shackles of Chinese medicine; only liberation from the policy of Chinese medicine can make survival, development and for the benefit of the cause of human health into action; Traditional Chinese medicine can eventually move towards the  internationalization of Chinese medicine.

Third, the methods of internationalization of Chinese medicine
1.Cancellate western medicine title
1.1 reasons
1.1.1 The title of western medicine was originated from the Late Qing Dynasty! The society was dark , political corruption, and scientific and technological backwardness at that time,So that the people lived in misery. national nihilism, a pioneer and passionate young revolutionary desire for social change. These asked for advice to the Western medical science and technology and introduced of foreign imported drugs. Imported technology were called the Western medical technology,the import of drugs that were commonly known as western medicine.The title of western learning, though it was not at a fault at that time, but the title did not change the fate of the Chinese people, while the motherland was invaded and plundered  by the Western powers. The new China was founded until the Communist Party of China led National People's undered eight Sino-Japanese Warand three years of war of liberation.The motherland becomes the prosperity, the technolog is progress, the business are flourishing after the reform and opening up and now the vast majority of possession and use of medical technology and drugs are our independent research, invention, manufacture and use, and to crown the west of the departure of Traditional Chinese Medicine East-West orientation of the original meaning.
1.1.2 Use of western medicine titles not only contributed to kind of xenophilia psychological but also weakened self-esteem of the Chinese nation. Minister of Education cancelled the education of Chinese medicine during KMT period, now China's own inventions, the use of medicine technology, the highest title of the west of the medicine, was typical sell sovereignty.it was should be resolutely abolished.
1.1.3 Everything with science and technology components of the invention, creation, use of medicine technology were  called the highest title of the west of the medicine. This is opposition between traditional Chinese medicine technique with the traditional method of invention, creation, and further intensified the conflict between internal medicine.it is not benefit for created harmonious society. It seriously hamper the development of Chinese medicine and  international exchange of Chinese medicine and the process of the cause of Chinese medicine for the benefit for human health.
1.2 Methods
 1.2.1 Be clear about the concept of sovereignty and the characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine: (1) Chinese medicine is the concept of the corresponding with foreign medicine. (2) Chinese medicine include technology medicine and Inheritance of Medical Science Subsystem. The theoretical system of medicine with physical and chemical, electronics and information technology knowledge and theories can be described as technological medicine; in accordance with the theoretical system be composed of the methods of traditional medicine knowledge and medicine can be described as traditional medicine. Current technology medicine is our mainstream medicine, traditional medicine is the backbone of Chinese medicine, core,backbone, characteristic signs.(4)These Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic should view that the combination of all inclusive comprehensive,  dialectical analysis, Development of treatment methods based on time .This is a system that is appropriate for treatment and prevention of disease due to conditions of the system should be, the person, place, time, and due to changes and take appropriate measures and methods. Syndrome differentiation is to dialectical understanding, diagnosis and treatment diseases; syndrome differentiation of traditional medicine is also the most important treatment methods, which identify terms of treatment and blood stasis. Chinese medicine clinics also include of the Treatment of Diseases,Bianzheng Treating, and distinguish the sign on the rule, identified because of treatment, and distinguish the body of governance and so on. (5) the future of Chinese medicine will remain the technology of traditional medicine and medicine in the community, neither of what is dispensable.
1.2.2 Traditional Chinese Medicine can be divided into two parts:the Medical Technology Medical and Heritage Medical subsystems. Medical workers were divided into the medical workers (nursing) division and the traditional medicine (care) division; these should understand both the theoretical knowledge .these master the skills of the two methods can serve Chinese General Hospital (nursing) division. these master the skills of the one method serve a specialist Chinese Medical Technicians. the one available to a number of Specialist Medical Technician Title in addition to Chinese General Hospital (nursing) division.

1.2.3 Traditional Chinese medicine corresponds with the concept of imports drugs: domestic pharmacology should be attributable to traditional Chinese medicine, and should be in accordance with traditional Chinese medicine theory of the natural flora and fauna using the importation of foreign drugs, and mineral medicine. Clinical medicine can be divided into the following categories: (1) traditional Chinese medicine: according to traditional Chinese medicine theory that it indicate taste,the meridian,function,indication,and even cooked according to traditional methods of application of natural plant and animal medicineand mineral medicine. (2) Proprietary Chinese medicine: It according to traditional Chinese medicine theory and the traditional processing method of processed unilateral or compound. (3) Chinese herbal medicine: Not yet identified in accordance with traditional Chinese medicine theory of their sexual tastes and the meridian, functions, indications of the natural plant and animal medicines, and mineral medicine. (4) extraction processing drugs: from traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese herbal medicine, or certain natural substances in the extraction of active ingredients applied drugs. (5) biological agents: drugs made by biotechnology. (6) chemical synthetic drugs: using of high-tech means such as physical and chemical extraction, processing, synthesis of monomer material can be used as the drug of drug application. (7) not classified above methods can be used with other drugs.
2.the Chief Legal intervention

2.1 The Ministry of Health of Chinese medicine should be renamed the Ministry of Health, the Board consists of traditional medicine, foreign Drug Administration, Technology Administration of Traditional Food and Drug Administration, Rehabilitation and Health Care Authority.
2.2 We should highlight the Chinese characteristics in the policies and regulations, and guide the health medicine to develop health policy with a big idea.
2.3 the national treasure should be handed down by formulate the protection law of traditional medicine.

3. personnel selection and training

3.1 Practical talent Select should be held regularly so that self-taught or modeled at home technical elite to stand out and give the self-taught personnel a way out.

3.2 Establishment of traditional medicine of the Institute: to natural medicine to the production, collection, screening, processing, processing, storage, resource protection, sustainable development research, and agriculture, animal husbandry, mining and other industries combine to form a feature of Chinese medicine industrial chain, training of traditional Chinese medicine to support growing professional and technical personnel.

3.3 Establishment of traditional College of Pharmacy:based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, natural medicine from the herb, s tastes and the meridian, the role of clinical application, evaluation, route of administration, drug dosage, side effects and other aspects of research, and pharmaceutical Enterprise, Hospital Pharmacy, pharmaceutical stores combine with traditional Chinese medicine theory to train pharmaceutical pharmacist professional and technical personnel.
3.4 Establishment of Traditional Medicine : based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine study pathogenesis, organs and meridians, Herbal Prescription, disease, observation is often, distinguishing sign, syndrome, and distinguish the body of governance, as well as diagnosis and treatment, disease prognosis transfer return, special treatment techniques for the learning content. Combination with clinical, basic training in traditional health care team.

3.5 Establishment of institute of Rehabilitation and Health Care: research psychological counseling, nutrition, diet, acupuncture, massage, massage, cupping, chiropractic, physical therapy, rehabilitation training and other content based on traditional Chinese medicine theory.the formation of health care, rehabilitation team should Prevent sub-health and disease in order to people recovering from the physical, life, health needs.

3.6 Establishment of technology college and Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Technology College: We should biochemistry, modern technology-based, extraction processing of drug and chemical composition analysis of synthetic drugs, drug extraction, pharmacological analysis, effectiveness evaluation, toxicity test, drug packaging storage and other content, and biochemical laboratories, hospital preparation room, Department of Pharmacy, drug store sales of cooperation, training of scientific pharmacy, pharmacist technicians.

3.7 Establishment of the College of Nursing Science Medicine and Technology: The physical and chemical, electronic information, modern technology, based on research of human physiology, pathology, anatomy, diseases, diagnosis, treatment and care, methods and measures, the disease prognosis in transition, to judge of. The formation of modern scientific knowledge of the basic medical teams and nursing teams.

3.8 Establishment of institute of Science and Technology equipment: The physical and chemical, electronic information, modern technology-based, for analysis of disease diagnosis, production equipment maintenance, laboratory reagents production, processing, treatment, research and development tools for the use of such content. Plant and equipment, laboratory reagents factory, factory and hospital treatment tool to train science and technology equipment application technology professionals.

3.9 Establishment of foreign medical institute: to learn the advanced medicine technology around the world to promote the basis of medical characteristics, and the Foreign Languages Institute, world health agencies, making China the world together advanced medical technology, the global characteristics of the birthplace of Chinese medicine . So that the major Chinese the benefit of mankind.

To multi-channel, multi-direction, multi-level selection and training of utility personnel, education reform  to shorten the school system to teach due to use and promote more academic education, continuous education, to avoid large and comprehensive, complex and chaotic one school is 10 years The full Indoctrination in Education.
4. medical practice and management
4.1 Cancellation title of Western medicine on the job classification: whether self-taught, mentoring tradition, college education, through the assessment test, to traditional healers standard qualification certificate issued by traditional healers; meet standards issued by Science and Technology Science and Technology, MD, Physician Qualification Certificate; both traditional healers another technology qualification certificate issued by doctors qualified certificate of eligibility certificate of general practitioners; only skill qualification certificate issued by specialist physicians; such as neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, physicians, ENT, otolaryngologist, thoracic surgeons , heart surgeons, orthopedic physicians, obstetricians, gynecologists, pediatricians, dermatology physician, sore physicians, anorectal hemorrhoids physicians, acupuncture, massage physicians, rehabilitation physicians, psychological counseling physicians, physical therapists and so special. One can obtain a number of specialist titles, or to obtain general titles in a number of related specialist practice post.
4.2 physicians deserveto be the top priority as a national medical resources, for protection. Place to allow physicians to save lives and more practice, a multi-site assessment published practitioner system integrity. Integrity assessment of physicians who fail to remove the more qualification to cheat money for the purpose of the serious nature of those eligible to cancel their physician.
Health care resources is the core of talent, talent management is the key. Reasonable policies and regulations, can make the best use, so that medical resources are fully utilized, and social harmony. Unreasonable policies and regulations, can be a stumbling block to bring out the best, a waste of medical resources fig leaf, the fuse of social unrest, so essential to improve health care practice and management.
5. The development of scientific research

5.1Drugs should engage in sustainable development, environmental protection strategy of authentic ingredients  instead of brand strategy. Unified Product name and Regulation of drug prices within a reasonable range.

5.2 Not to pursue the manufacturers formality of certification ,to prevent loss Costly official corruption, the crisis passed on to production workers, passed on to patients. Encourage the use of natural medicines are made according to traditional procedures pills, powders, pastes, Dan for clinical, home-made drugs for the record the purposes of the hospital system,so as to avoid the cumbersome approval.
5.3 A disease can be diagnosed by a simple effect to the extent to obtain the results . Such as heart disease, fractures, femoral head necrosis Dengjun should be based on efficacy can not be the outcome of the so-called scientific and technological content.
5.4 The concept of guidance with a large Chinese medicine research and development will reduce unnecessary waste. Another example is the serious harm to human health infectious disease, after the success of virus isolation, priority research topic is the vaccine development, prevention of high-risk groups; in major outbreaks of infectious diseases of priority to an effective traditional Chinese medicine, for early prevention diagnosis and treatment, rather than wait until the etiological diagnosis, prognosis and increased complications after the diagnosis and treatment.
The concept of guidance from the big Chinese medicine research and development, for building a harmonious society, health care resources, is of incalculable practical significance. One-sided pursuit of economic interests of the research and innovation, is causing a waste of medical resources, a major source of tension between doctors and patients. Big Chinese research and development should focus on building a harmonious society, the innovation of health care resources, rather than a drug packaging change, change the dosage forms, auxiliary change, change process, etc. It has nothing to do with the effect of the so-called innovation.

Our international status has risen with the rapid development of China's economy,Concepts of Chinese medicine will increasingly enjoy popular among the people .Ttraditional Chinese Medicine benefiting to human health will be expected to achieve international Just around the corner








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